Weleda Skin Food is named as top product to tackle eczema

Eczema can be a real blight on the lives of sufferers - and many people search for natural solutions to the problem.

Now Weleda Skin Food has been named as one of the best three products for eczema by a top magazine.

Prima Magazine says Weleda’s award-winning and nourishing Skin Food is a great natural solution to itchy skin.

It contains wild pansy, which is often used to treat acne and impetigo as well as eczema. 

Weleda Skin Food has been receiving high praise for years and it’s been one of the company’s best-selling products since 1926.

Alexa Chung uses it and it’s won loads of awards including the Natural Lifestyle Award, the Beauty Steals Award 2009 and the Best Eco Buy from Essential Magazine in 2009

It’s a skin repair cream which can be used on rough, dry skin anywhere on the body and as a protective cream in harsh weather.