Green Tips

Why I switched to eco-friendly laundry detergent

Big Green Smile’s Marketing Manager is on a mission to make more planet-friendly choices at home. Laundry seemed like a sensible place to start. Here, she tells us why she’s made the...

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Tips and tricks to keep your clothes for longer

Clean water is one of our planet’s most precious resources. But every time a factory makes a new t-shirt or pair of jeans, it uses or pollutes some of that supply. One way to reduce the impact...

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Eco-friendly laundry products to keep your septic tank safe

Around one in ten homes in the UK has a septic tank. These containers collect and treat waste water from our sinks, toilets and tubs in place of the usual public drainage system. And while our septic...

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How to handwash clothes (and why it’s good for the planet and great for your garments)

There’s no doubt that the modern washing machine is one of the 20th century’s greatest inventions. However, you really can’t beat handwashing if you want to keep your clothes looking...

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Eco Baby Changing

There’s been lots in the media about baby wipes washing up on beaches and disposable nappies filling up landfill sites at a rate of three billion a year. It’s enough to make you say yikes....

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Keep mosquitos and insects at bay the natural way with organic repellents

There are few sounds more irritating than the whine of a mosquito in your hotel room. (And few bites more itchy for that matter.) While it’s tempting to slather yourself in mosquito repellent,...

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Discover Attitude - Live a natural and plastic-free life!

Every now and then, we put one of our brands in the spotlight. And now it is Attitude's turn. This beautiful, young Canadian company has a wide range of natural products: from personal care to...

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Natural Products You’ll Need When Camping This Summer

Whatever type of camper you are, glamping, touring with a tent or, a weekend at a festival! Here are some suggestions for care-free camping this summer to ensure you keep your bags light and that you...

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Gardening towards a greener future

When was the last time you spent a good day gardening? Even if you don’t have a garden of your own, there’s nothing better than prettying up your windowsills, heading down to your local...

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Celebrate Earth Day by saving the trees

It’s time for the biggest secular calendar event of the year. April 22nd sees more than a billion people around the world mark Earth Day. This year, the theme is Invest in Our Planet, and...

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The Ultimate Guide to Sensitive Skin

Those of us who suffer from sensitive skin know the symptoms all too well. Redness, itching, flaking and discomfort are often just the tip of the iceberg. Thankfully, switching to gentle, natural...

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Natural Stain Remover Hacks for Carpets & Upholstery

Spills are a fact of life. Whether it’s red wine on your new cream carpet or coffee on the sofa, accidents happen. But that doesn’t make the situation any less stressful. Thankfully,...

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15 Easy Ways to Save Water and Money

Want to save water (and £100s a year)? We’ve gathered top tips from Friends of the Earth, the Energy Saving Trust, Water Wise and more…

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How to avoid microplastics – Plastic-free laundry detergents to protect our planet

If we said the phrase ‘plastic in the ocean’, what comes to mind? Turtles choking on plastic bags maybe. Or the Great Pacific Garbage Patch – a floating mountain of plastic bottles,...

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Vegan skincare, cleaning products and more…

Vegan essentials can be hard to find, but we have 1000s to choose from. Here’s some of our favourites…

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Show a little love | Brands that care at Big Green Smile

Show a little love, by supporting brands doing their bit to help people and the planet.

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Green cleaning – natural ingredients for a clean, eco-friendly home

There’s far more to ‘natural cleaning’ than just white vinegar and lemon. Whether you want whiter clothes, shinier taps, a gleaming dining table or a fresher carpet, there’s an...

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Zero Waste Tip: Make your own natural toilet cleaner

Most toilet cleaners contain chlorine and other harmful chemical ingredients. But did you know that you could make your own natural, no nasty toilet cleaner with the added benefit of it being...

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Just add water – concentrated cleaning products

Choosing concentrated cleaning products is one of the easiest ways to make your home more eco-friendly. Rather than buying a watered-down, ready-to-use product, you buy a highly concentrated one,...

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Vegan friendly gifts for all occasions; Valentine's Day, Mothers' Day, birthdays, thank you's and more

Looking for a gift that’s vegan, natural, cruelty-free and comes with a no quibble guarantee? You’re in the right place…

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Love Vegan - home, beauty and beyond

Leading a vegan lifestyle is about far more than what we put into our bodies. Walk down any aisle in any supermarket, and you’re likely to find an awful lot of products that use animal-based...

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Vegan home: clean and maintain your home with vegan products


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Bestselling Vegan Beauty Products Under £10

Happy Veganunary! Did you know that the number of vegans in the UK is rising? More than half a million Brits are now proud to call themselves vegan. If you’re one of them, read on for our top...

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The best natural dog shampoo

A decent dog shampoo is pretty essential because, as all dog lovers know, our canine friends love to get dirty. If there’s a muddy puddle within reach, you can guarantee that they’ll find...

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Living without plastics, we suggest some eco alternatives

We’re living in a throwaway culture. But the plastic straw, cling film and bin bag you use today could still be languishing in landfill centuries from now. Or, even worse, they could end up...

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Ethical Christmas Beauty Gifts


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Your Plastic-Free Bathroom – Top Tips For Reducing Waste At Home

A staggering 35 million plastic bottles are thrown away in the UK every year. We’re guessing you’ve cut down on bottled drinks already, but a few simple swaps in your bathroom could bring...

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How to choose a natural deodorant

Many people are surprised at the array of natural deodorants there are to choose from. (We sell more than 175!) If you’re struggling to pick one, read on for some of our customers’...

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Can you go a whole month without plastic?

Once again, we are supporting the Plastic Free July challenge. Can you go a whole month without plastic? If you're giving it a try this year, take a look at our range of over 800...

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An Eco Period: Washable Pads, Organic Tampons, Menstrual Cups and More…

Menstrual Hygiene Day is 28th May 2020

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Donation to WWF Emergency Amazon Appeal


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All About Recycling... Bestselling Recycled Products and Tips for Recycling At Home

When it comes to recycling, it’s not just what you put in your bin that counts, it’s also what you put in your shopping basket. And if you’re shopping for eco-products, we’re...

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Natural sleep remedies to help you get the best night's sleep

Whether you toss and turn all through the night, or just can’t drop off some evenings, lack of sleep can really take its toll. Before you resort to sleeping tablets, try some of these natural...

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How to choose products to complement your vegetarian lifestyle


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Organic September- Good Things Happen When you go Organic!


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5 Easy Ways to Swap to Sustainable Products

We know that many of our customers are working hard to reduce their waste. It’s not always an easy task but thankfully there’s been a real boom in biodegradable alternatives in recent...

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Keep your home and garden pest-free with natural, organic repellents

While we all want to do our bit for biodiversity, that doesn’t mean we want to sacrifice all our lettuces to slugs, or let aphids run riot on our roses. Unfortunately, insecticides can harm a...

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Vegan haircare - our top 10 vegan hair care products

Don’t fancy horse hooves, pig placenta or crushed insects in your shampoo? We don’t blame you. It can be hard to find vegan-friendly hair care products on the high street, but luckily, we...

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Vegan beauty top 10: our pick of the best vegan, cruelty-free skincare products

Animal products are often hard to spot in ingredients lists. Take squalene, for example. It can be sourced from plants or sharks, but brands don’t have to specify which type they’re using....

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Bio versus non-bio laundry detergent – what’s the difference?

Wondering whether you need a non-bio or a bio? Looking for a hypoallergenic laundry detergent? Want washing powder that’s kinder to your skin and the planet? You’re in the right...

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Everything you need to know about biodegradable bags

Are biodegradable bags really better for the environment? Can I use a biodegradable carrier bag in my food caddy? Where can I buy eco-bags for taller bins? We get asked a fair few questions about bags...

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Save plastic and buy in bulk

It wasn’t so long ago that refills were common place. People thought nothing of popping their empty milk bottles on the doorstep or returning their pop bottles to be reused. But as plastic took...

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Why natural sunscreen is better for you and the planet

Thinking about switching to a more natural sun cream?  Whether you’re looking for the safest natural sunscreen for babies and children, need a sun cream that won’t irritate your skin,...

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Reef safe natural sunscreen

Sunscreen might help to protect your skin, but most are deadly to coral. When you go for a dip in the sea, some of your suntan lotion rinses off. And that’s a big problem when it contains...

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Biodegradable wipes, better for the planet & better for you!

Baby wipes have been getting a lot of bad press recently, and for good reason. Most wet wipes aren’t biodegradable, so it could take 100 years or more for them to disappear from landfill. Even...

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Our safest natural sun cream for babies and children

Not sure which sun cream is best for your little one? We have a huge range of natural and organic sun protection to suit all types of skin, with products specially formulated for babies and children....

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The Plastic-Free Week Challenge

Depressed by images of turtles chewing on plastic bags and mountains of plastic bottles washed up on beaches, one of our team set herself the challenge of going plastic-free for a week.  

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Dealing with eczema and sensitive skin

Dealing with Atopic Eczema and Sensitive Skin - practical advice from Hope’s Relief UK Medical herbalist and skin advisor, Lindsey Miller

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Kick off the New Year with a Healthier You

So Christmas is over and your body may be begging you for a change of pace and a lot of TLC this New Year. You might be opting for a dry January, trying the coach potato to 5K, or you may have decided...

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Beauty Resolutions You'll Want to Keep

All too often, New Year’s Resolutions are a bit of a chore. They’re all about giving up the vices you enjoy, and throwing yourself into activities you’d rather avoid. At Big Green...

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We are proud to support In Kind Direct


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What exactly is SLS?

Everything you need to know about Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)

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Our guide to bleach-free cleaning products

You may have seen that bleach and other disinfectants have been in the news lately. A recent study published in The Guardian found that using bleach or a similar product just once a week could...

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How to Cheat Your Way to Looking Less Tired

Whether you’ve been partying until dawn, up half the night with the kids, or just struggling to drop off at night, a lack of sleep can really take its toll. Most of us feel rattier when...

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Five tips for choosing the right SPF

Summer is here! This is the time when many of us are restocking our sun cream supply. But with all that information about SPF, UVA and UVB protection … it’s easy to get confused, so...

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Natural remedies for summer ailments


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How to remove stains without harsh chemicals

 Natural stain removers are safe, effective and as good for your pocket as they are for the planet. Try our tips for tackling some of the most common stains:

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How to clean your home in 60 minutes

It’s been a busy week, you haven’t so much as looked at the hoover in days and guests are arriving in an hour. So turn the music up loud, snap on your rubber gloves and get...

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7 Ways to Make the Most Unpleasant Cleaning Jobs Safer & Easier

We get it. You want to use more natural cleaning products, but you don’t want to spend hours cleaning when you could be doing something (anything) more enjoyable instead. Thankfully eco cleaning...

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10 Easy Ways to Waste Less

The #zerowaste hashtag has been popping up all over the place recently. Vowing to throw nothing away at all is pretty daunting. But there are plenty of ways you can cut down on rubbish, and save money...

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Organic Beauty Christmas Gift Guide 2016

Christmas is in the air and the BGS elves are already gearing up to pack your Christmas parcels. But don’t worry if you haven’t started shopping yet (most of us at BGS haven’t) or...

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Natural winter skin care tips

It’s winter, the season of dry, flaky skin and scalps, not to mention painful cracks and chaps (sounds wonderful doesn’t it?) Don’t worry, we’ve got some great antidotes to...

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World Vegan Month 2016 - a round up of the best beauty buys

We know that buying vegan skincare and beauty products can be a bit of a minefield. From keratin to lanolin, ingredients sourced from animals seem to creep into an awful lot of products. And...

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Suds up! Triclosan free soaps

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, parabens, petroleum, phthalates… the list of ingredients you might want to avoid just seems to keep growing. The latest one to hit the headlines is triclosan. The US has...

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The best natural supplements for winter

It’s hard to believe that after the fabulous summer we’ve had, the cold and flu season is nearly upon us (oh joy). The good news is there’s lots of ways you can help to protect...

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What do Organic Certifications Actually Mean?

Certification schemes give you the confidence that a brand is sticking to a strict set of standards. As it’s Organic September, we thought we’d shed a bit of light on what those organic...

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Toxic ingredients to avoid when buying beauty products

You only have to look at the ingredients list on a moisturiser or bottle of shampoo to realise the amount of synthetic chemicals that many of the major brands use. And when you consider just how many...

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We love Weleda! We list some of their iconic products

Our customers love Weleda. Weleda products are 100% natural, created with respect for the environment, people and animals… And they work!

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How to use less water and energy at home - Ecozone can help!

We do love Ecozone here at Big Green Smile. This British brand has worked tirelessly to create household products that do their job without using harsh chemicals. What’s more, many of these...

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How to use natural soda crystals

Your granny may well have used soda crystals, borax, white vinegar and other naturalcleansing agents to keep her home and clothes clean. These natural cleansers have fallen out of fashion in recent...

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How to clean with natural borax

Our grandmothers were right about so many things, including the cleaning power of borax crystals. Borax is 100% natural and you can use it to disinfect, remove stains, deodorise, and soften water....

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Natural acne-busting tips for tweens and teens

In my day, spots were a teen issue, but with kids entering puberty earlier, tween acne is becoming even more common, which is why it’s important to find ways to help.

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How to care for menopausal skin, naturally

Changes in your skin can start becoming noticeable a few years before menopause, usually around your 40s, but sometimes as early as your 30s. Oestrogen helps your body to produce collagen and the...

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How to look after your skin this summer

Freak hail and snowstorms aside, summer is just around the corner. It’s all too easy to let things slide a bit during winter. There’s something liberating about letting the razor and body...

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Choosing allergy-friendly cleaning and beauty products

It’s been estimated that in the UK there are 21 million allergy sufferers, and chances are you, or one of your family is one of them.

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An A-Z of Natural Spring Cleaning to help you make your home sparkle

Spring is in the air (honest) and aside from chomping Easter eggs, spring is about getting your house sparkly. So here is an A-Z of natural cleaning tips from the BGS team on tackling those cleaning...

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How to reduce, reuse & recycle as you clean

Buy any product on BigGreenSmile and you’ll be doing something good for the environment, but there are still plenty more things we can all do to lessen our carbon footprint.

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From the bedroom to the bathroom, how to go organic in every room

Things have moved on over the past few years – used to be if I asked what you had in the house that was organic, you’d have said fruit and veg and at a push wine or tea bags. Now organic...

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The Best Natural Beauty Oils for your Skin

The truth about Beauty Oils

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Get the Christmas Look

So Christmas is looming, and you’re either burying your head in the tinsel, or you’ve started making lists and have already bought a present or two.

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Vitamins – what are they good for?

Many people like to supplement their diets, so we’ve added a new department to BigGreenSmile and filled it with a comprehensive range of natural vitamins and minerals from brands including...

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Love your skin this winter

Oh boy, it's winter. The gloves are out, the winter jacket has been salvaged from the back of the wardrobe and the central heating has been switched on. The dry cold air of the season is just one...

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Celebrate World Vegan Month with Big Green Smile

November is World Vegan Month, and November 1 is World Vegan Day. To show our support, and to help make life simpler for the growing numbers of vegans out there, we’ve compiled a guide to the...

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Top cleaning tips (including a few you’ll never have thought of)

Spring might be the traditional time for a good scrub, but I don’t know about you… in my house cleaning isn’t seasonal (although I’ll admit to being a touch obsessive).  

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Cult natural beauty products on BigGreenSmile

Who loves what and who’s talking about which natural beauty product?  Here we check out the top ten celebrity favourites and cult beauty brands that have been appearing in the press and on...

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All you need to know about Organic September

Organic September is an annual campaign led by the Soil Association. It encourages people to make small changes to their purchasing habits and aims to raise buyer’s awareness of buying genuine...

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Have you thought about composting?

Egg shells, weeds, pet bedding, coffee granules, have you ever wondered if they’re good for anything but your recycling bin? Whether you’re looking to be even more environmentally...

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Help! My hair's under attack - how to care for damaged hair

Our hair is under attack! We change the colour as often as the seasons change, torment it with hair dryers and straighteners, leave it to scorch in the sun or get whipped in the wind, and we barely...

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Pack light, pack natural - what to take away this summer

It’ll come as no surprise that we’re a bit dotty about all things beauty here at BigGreenSmile … after all, we spend a lot of time vetting products before they join the family (in...

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Summer natural beauty checklist

Get ready for Summer – naturally!

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Has the world gone coconuts?

Has everyone gone coconuts? Everyone’s either cooking with it, drinking it, or rubbing it on their bodies, here we look at exactly what a coconut is good for.

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The Many Faces of Dr Bronner’s

They say women are better at multi-tasking than men (and since I’m of the female persuasion, I’d have to agree), but even two X chromosomes can’t compete with a bottle of Dr...

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Bust the Dust & Fight Asthma! Natural Tips to Clean Your Home

That tightness in your chest, a wheeze, shortness of breath and a dry, irritating, persistent cough are the tell-tale signs that may have asthma or allergies. Avoid these symptoms by keeping your...

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Wear sunscreen, naturally

Pale skin has never been sexier: just look at Lily Cole, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Rachel Weisz and Nicole Kidman for proof of that. Let's be honest, there's no such thing as a healthy tan and...

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Spotlight on Odylique by Essential Care

Certified by the Soil Association, award-winning Odylique by Essential Care is a range of accessibly priced natural products designed to care for even the most sensitive skin. Here we find out...

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Konjac Sponges - our new beauty must have

Gemma Chase, Our Head of Marketing, reviews The Konjac Sponge

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How to clean your home – naturally

As natural cleaning products pioneers Ecover and Method champion the efficacy of their ranges we revisit exactly why ecological household cleaners should be the natural choice for conscientious...

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From serums to balms - skincare explained

Do you remember the days when television had three channels, coffee had one flavour and moisturiser was, well, cream in a jar? Ah, wasn’t the world a simpler place?

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The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide

Yay, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We love this time of year; BGS Towers could be mistaken for Santa’s workshop, with our Christmas elves busy packing gift parcels, sending...

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Christmas Gift Set Guide - £10, £20 and £40

Beauty gift sets make wonderful Christmas presents. After all, who isn’t happy to receive the gift of pampering? Certainly not the stressed-out mums, exhausted school teachers, beauty-obsessed...

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People Tree's Safia Minney talks to us about responsible fashion

How did People Tree first begin? What inspired you?              

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Natural beauty explained

If natural beauty is something you’ve recently cottoned on to, congratulations and welcome to your healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle! It’s an altogether more beautiful...

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Problem skin? No problem!

If your skin is irritating you more than the most annoying characters on reality TV then follow’s top tips to combat common problem skin conditions, naturally.

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What every 30-plus girl should know about natural anti-ageing products

Ever wondered how one little pot of gooey stuff can combat wrinkles, saggy skin, age spots and tired complexions? Have you felt baffled by anti-ageing science or nervous of the natural alternatives?...

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Natural solutions for household accidents

What's your worst mishap at home? Coffee on the cream carpet? Candle wax explosion up the curtains, indelible marker pen scrawled across the fridge or fish pie stench that lingers for weeks? It could...

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Skin survival tips for the Great British summer

Your skin is as confused by the weather as you are this summer. One day it's wet, the's wet again. But, every now and then it's blisteringly hot. What's a girl to do? Follow our skin...

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Get a Spring/Summer make-up look the natural way

From scarlet power pouts to Seventies-style shimmering eyes, make-up will be worn to be seen this summer. So, it's just as well the latest collections from our favourite organic and mineral make-up...

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What's in store for 2014?

What plans do you have for 2014? Whether it’s a new job, a new home, a new hair-do or even a new baby, we’re here to help you along the way.

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Autumn’s Top 10 Beauty Buys

Repair sun-stressed skin and get ready for autumn with these top beauty buys, picked by bloggers, beauty press and our very own experts.

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Ten things you really should know about natural dental care

It’s a truth universally acknowledged by beauty editors that the best way to stay young looking and beautiful is to look after your teeth. Yes, serums and face creams will go some way to helping...

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Ten truths about baby weaning

Just when you thought you’d cracked the baby thing, along comes something new to learn! Read on for baby weaning in ten simple truths…

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How to choose the right natural nappy for your baby

Any parent of a child under one will tell you that their three biggest obsessions are pooing, eating and sleeping. Why? Well, if you’re a parent already, you don’t need me to tell you! If...

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Sugar, Spice & All Things Nice: Festive Natural Beauty

Season’s greetings! Is your home filled with wonderful festive scents? Cinnamon, ginger, cranberries, orange and, of course, chocolate are just some of the nostalgic flavours that provide joyous...

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Olympic Beauties

As the final leg of the London Olympics 2012 preparations gets underway, our focus is on health and fitness. We’ve compiled our top tips our tips for keeping fresh and fit, naturally, throughout...

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Traditional Tricks for a Sweet Smelling Home

This Spring there’s no need to reach for the air freshener or go bonkers with bleach when you have the natural know-how for a sweet smelling home – all year around.

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Why 2012 will be an exciting year for eco fans!

If you think eco is last year’s trend, think again. From recycled fashion making it as far as the Academy Awards red carpet this month to the positive eco legacy of the forthcoming Olympics,...

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Natural Beauty Trends 2012

A New Year and a new you, what a great time to get rid of those bad beauty habits and go for an altogether more natural beauty routine.  We're not just talking about promising to remove your...

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The guide to Natural Beauty Gifts

When the festive season hits, are you the type of person who makes a last-minute dash for the shops, or do you plan ahead?

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Beauty and the bug

Summertime and the living is easy – except for those pesky midges and mosquitoes. We all want to enjoy the outdoors, especially at the tail-end of summer. So how to stay glamorously green...

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Go wild with nature’s harvest

It's summer and therefore harvest time for many of the ingredients founds in our natural beauty products. To celebrate the season we look at the traditional wisdom of some of our favourite plants.

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How to avoid a Right Royal bad hair day

Congratulations to Wills and Kate! Wow, that was one heck of a wedding party, and a jolly lovely day orff too. Thanks chaps!

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Confessions of real Spring cleaning addicts

There's nothing like a sunny morning in March to lift my spirits and put me in the mood You didn't expect me to say that, now, did you? The mood for smiling, smooching or shopping,...

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How to host a DIY pamper evening

It's hard being a woman in January. Strictly is off the box, it's cold outside and impossible to arrive anywhere without a runny nose and frazzled hair, the shops are still full of Sales stock, and...

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All I want for New Year is...

As I write this I'm keeping my fingers crossed - yes, clever, I know - for something shiny, precious, life changing and delivered in a teeny-weeny box this Christmas. Yes, a new iPhone 4. But that's...

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Ada Zanditon and Ecover

Since graduating from London College of Fashion with a first class honours degree and debuting at London Fashion Week last year, Ada Zanditon has fast become one of the hottest new talents in fashion,...

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Natural anti-ageing beauty products – what’s in them and why we love them!

It's a truth universally acknowledged that a woman with wrinkles would really rather prefer they disappeared. Yes, yes, she knows all about the charm of smile lines, the kookiness of frown lines and...

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From the fridge to the bedroom, go organic in every room

Name something in your home that's organic. Now, I'm no Derren Brown, but I'll bet my bicycle you said fruit and veggies, beer or wine, or at a push, tea bags. I'll bet your bicycle you didn't say a...

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(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman

Beauty has become a fundamental part of our morning routine – whether it’s that hot shower first thing in the morning, a splash of perfume or a full-on make-up effort. It wasn’t...

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Native beauty: discover British beauty secrets

It's the perfect time of year to travel throughout the UK and enjoy the colours and the aromas in the countryside. You might also have enjoyed the eye candy of this year's Chelsea Flower Show. But...

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Hair do's – natural style

Our locks have got a reputation for holding all our power. Just consider the Brothers Grimm tale of Rapunzel; or the secret to Samson’s mighty strength in the biblical story that was turned into...

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Natural beauty in pregnancy: from bump to babe

In addition to the excitement, pregnancy can bring all sorts of beauty dilemmas that may not have cropped up before – not just for yourself but also for your newborn. Changing skin complexions,...

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The craft of natural soap: love to lather!

Soap. Whatever your brand choice, it's an everyday product and has thought to have been part of history from as far back as Ancient Babylon, around 2500 BC. In fact, an entire soap factory with...

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Symbol savvy: organic certification explained

We all love a little natural pampering and keeping our skin in tiptop condition. But, did you know that any beauty product that says it is natural or organic doesn’t have to be? Within the UK,...

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Green quiz

Take our green quiz and test your knowledge. 

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How to save water and energy

If you carry out all of these small steps you will make a difference not only to your own lives but also for the planet – and you will save money too!

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Some interesting facts about water

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A collection of links to websites we like, and hope you will find useful.

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Green News archive

Our archive of Green News stories.

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