Donation to WWF Emergency Amazon Appeal

wwf donation to amazon


Our Green Friday Event in November raised over £850, which we donated to WWF’s Amazon Emergency Appeal.

89,000 fires were detected across the Amazon region in 2019. 30,000 of those broke out in August – 196% more than the previous year.

The fires have had a devastating effect on local communities and wildlife. And, of course, they’ve had an impact on the planet as a whole. As the largest tropical rainforest, the Amazon plays a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide.

WWF is one of the leading charities helping to tackle the devastation caused by the fires. The money we raised will help to support WWF’s work in the region, including planting trees, rehabilitating wildlife, providing medical support, training fire-fighters, and working to prevent further tragedies.

Support the Amazon Emergency Appeal

If you’d like to make a further donation to WWF’s Amazon Emergency Appeal, please visit:

You can also support the Australian Bushfire Emergency Appeal.

Play your part in tackling climate change

If your New Year’s resolution is to shrink your carbon footprint, these 10 simple steps will certainly help…

  1. Reduce the amount you buy, and if you really need something, try to choose an eco-friendly brand.
  2. Go vegan, or at least flexitarian. According to the chair of the UN panel on climate change, eating less meat is one of the best ways of reducing your carbon footprint. And don’t forget that it’s not just about what you eat – many toiletries, cosmetics and cleaning products aren’t suitable for vegans. Popular vegan-friendly brands include Ecover, Ecozone, Faith in Nature and Childs Farm. You can search all our vegan products here. (We have more than 2,500!)
  3. Cut down on car journeys. If you can’t walk, cycle or use public transport, can you car share with a friend or colleague?
  4. Avoid flights. If you have no choice other than flying, consider offsetting your journey.
  5. Reduce packaging waste. Could you swap cling film for food huggers or bees wrap? How about making the switch to a reusable laundry ball? Or buy in bulk to help cut down on plastic bottles.
  6. Switch to a renewable energy provider like Ecotricity or Bulb.
  7. Swap to a bank or building society that won’t invest your money in fossil fuels. (Try Co-op Bank, Triodos, Ecology Building Society or Charity Bank.)
  8. Stop wasting energy at home. Upgrading your lightbulbs for energy efficient ones is a good start. They use up to 88% less energy than standard bulbs. Check out for more tips on reducing your emissions and cutting your bills. 
  9. Grow trees. You can plant trees through or, if you don’t have space for one in your garden.
  10. Recycle. Recycling doesn’t just help to reduce waste, it also reduces emissions. Recycling a tonne of paper saves 17 trees and over 680 gallons of oil.

Head this way for more recycling tips.