Spotlight on Skinfood NZ

skin food hero products

5 Minutes with Alex Gage-Brown, Skinfood New Zealand General Manager

 What are your tips for keeping skin looking good for the changes of seasons?

Just like you switch up your wardrobe for different seasons, you should also be adjusting your skin care products to protect against the changing elements. Generally, your complexion tends to be oilier in the summer and drier in the winter.

Skinfood’s Nourishing Hand Cream is my saviour during winter and now that Spring is in the air I’ve been starting to moisturise using our Tanning Moisturiser, to get a natural glow ready for the warmer days.

I like to keep my face care simple with products that are versatile enough to use all year round for example our Organic Coco+Nut Oil provides instant hydration to your skin with its mix of cold pressed organic coconut, sweet almond, apricot kernel and macadamia nut oils but is still lightweight enough to wear through summer or layer with a facial moisturiser to combat the winter months.

 How important is inner health when it comes to skin looking good?

At Skinfood we believe what you feed your skin is as important as how you feed and nourish your body. It’s the same old story, a balanced diet, plenty of water and enough sleep will show on your face. Diet and natural foods influence the ingredients we use in our skin care products and often those foods have similar properties when ingested.

 Globally, consumers are becoming a lot savvier when it comes to natural skin care - what do you think has caused this shift?

I think as information becomes more readily available and as we become more aware of what we are putting into our bodies it’s only natural that we start to consider what we are putting on them, and the impacts these products have on the environment too.

As New Zealanders we are proud of our natural environment and want to do what we can to help protect it, better awareness of ingredients and their effects are easily shared through social media, for example recent studies showing the amount of plastic microbeads from scrubs and body washes that are ending up in our oceans, and in our food chain means shoppers are actively looking for products without these and other nasties. Look for face or body scrubs that use nut shell, coffee or other natural alternatives.

 If someone wants to slowly change over to natural skincare, what products do you think they should swap out first?

Trying natural skincare shouldn’t mean you have to compromise on efficacy of the product or spend a fortune. I like to recommend people try a natural cleanser as this is a daily use product and it’s important to find one that is gentle on your skin and doesn’t strip it of its natural essential oils but still helps to tone and cleanse.

Our Cleans All cream cleanser is gentle enough to use twice a day but still effective for removing makeup and leaving skin fresh and light.

 What do you love most about working in your industry?

The world of health and beauty is constantly evolving, with new styles and trends, I love that it’s so varied. It’s easy to come to work when you like what you are doing. I love the creativity of working on new, different products and how to get them to customers, not just here in New Zealand but all around the world.  

 What’s most satisfying about helping women with their skin?

Hearing real results and talking to customers who have used Skinfood products for years is always really satisfying. It’s also great hearing from people that have recently tried one of our products for the first time and had a really positive experience. It’s nice to feel like we are making a difference in their lives in a natural way and in some cases adding to women’s confidence in their skin.

 What are the key items in a skincare regime for women 40+?

Hydration is key for any skin care regime but especially as we get older. That could include adding a facial oil or serum, especially one that is high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants or making sure your cleansing routine is not too harsh. It’s crucial to thoroughly clean your face every day, preferably with a creamy cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural moisture.

 What’s your favourite way to relax?

You can’t beat a New Zealand beach escape and a good book in the weekend. Throw in a 15 minute face mask and my skin will be relaxed too.

skinfood baby range

 What’s the product you’re loving right now?

I’m loving using our new Little Body Oil (from our natural & organic Little Skinfood range) as an all over body oil - we've actually had a lot of feedback from mums who are using it for themselves as well as their little ones, it's a great multitasker!