Water efficiency

Water efficiency is rising up the political agenda and with good reason.  Due to human demand and the effects of climate change, should current levels of water consumption continue then by 2025 two-thirds of the global population will be living in areas of water stress by 2025, according to a study by the Second United Nations World Water Development Report.  The UK has less available water than most other European countries so how we use water is going to becoming increasingly important -- and water efficiency is key to this.  Already in the South East on England there is less water per capita than Syria, Dallas or Sudan!

Do you know how much water you use?
In the UK we use on average 150 litres of water a day, a third of which is flushed down the toilet.   Furthermore the heating of water for bathing, cooking and cleaning accounts for 25% of our fuel bills and 5% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. 
Dramatic change is required in the way we interact with water from giving it a real value through metering, to looking at how we use water and the efficiency of water usage in our homes and water companies curbing leakage.
There are a few simple steps that Waterwise, the UK water industry body focusing on water efficiency, suggest that everyone can take:
  1. Turning off the tap while brushing teeth- a running tap can waste over 6 litres per minute.  If everyone in the Uk did this we would save enough water to supply half a million houses.
  2. Putting a "hippo" or other displacement device into the toilet cistern.
  3. Fixing dripping taps. A dripping tap wastes thousands of litres of water a year.
  4. Using a full load in the dishwasher and washing machine. A person should be sure to buy a water efficient model when thinking of buying a new machine.
  5. Having a short shower instead of a bath.
  6. Washing fruits and vegetables in a bowl rather than under a running tap. Using the leftover water to feed houseplants.
  7. Using a watering can or a hosepipe with a trigger nozzle instead of a sprinkler.
  8. Using a bucket and sponge when washing the car rather than a running hosepipe.

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