Water scarcity

When in a given area we use more water than is available water scarcity arises.  Climate change is a key factor here as is population growth and water pollution. There is a finite supply of fresh water in the world which is stored in the water table and the atmosphere, rivers and the fresh water lakes & seas.  Currently the cost and the energy required to convert sea water to fresh is prohibitive.

Water scarcity can occur anywhere, even where there is heavy rainfall or fresh surface water.  Water conservation, water quality and the nature of its use determine the abundance.

As water use increases through both the way it is used and rising population water scarcity is affecting more and more people with the current figure put at 2.5 billion people.

A recent United Nations report projects that half of the world's population will be affected by water shortages in just 20 years time catapulting water to the become the main geopolitical issue and water efficiency be a key tool in slowing the rate of water scarcity.  Water use is growing faster than population growth with last century seeing water demand grow nine fold against a population increase of just four-fold.

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